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Talisman The Horus Heresy (PC)

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Дата выхода:Feb 22, 2016
Издатель:Nomad Games
Разработчик:Nomad Games

Talisman: The Horus Heresy is a digital board game based on the Talisman rule system and set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, during the cataclysmic events of the Horus Heresy.

Up to four players will be able to take control of one or more of the galaxys greatest heroes or most notorious villains. Taking the side of either traitor or loyalist, these Warlords will form vast companies of Space Marines, battalions of tanks and battlefleets of Spacecraft. They are the most powerful beings in the Galaxy and their followers are legion.

The new combative team play will appeal to fans of Talisman and the Horus Heresy alike. Its a unique adaptation of Talisman that has been tailored specifically for digital platforms.

In Talisman: The Horus Heresy the players experience of Talisman is scaled up exponentially, exploring not a kingdom but a whole galaxy in the 31st Millennium. No longer will you be fighting for the Crown of Command, but for the very future of humanity

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